PEOPLE POWER 1, 2, 3! The Middle Class, and representative democracy have been trolled for years by Dark Money. The goal? Steal everything, even our future! Now they are coming for our vote and our pensions. Since Dark Money overwhelmingly represents the fossil fuel industry, their "Wins" equate to runaway greenhouse effects for our children and grand children. We owe them their future! The way to End Government By Troll, restore representative democracy, and return the 'Government of the People' to the People starts by literally restoring 'Power to the People' with the three goals of PEOPLE POWER. PEOPLE POWER #1 Return basic affordable banking service to people by utilizing the United States Postal Service. Basic banking needs should include check cashing, simple checking, savings and credit, utility payments and micro-lending and student loans. In short, to give people banking services as we used to know them, before the Wall Street gambling, bubble crashes, 21% interest and $35 fees for breathing corrupted big finance. PEOPLE POWER #2 The Solar Neighbors program offers Micro-funding through the United Stated Postal Service, to fund Solar Power installations; open to homeowners, leasers/renters, small business' and self-forming Solar Neighborhood Energy Coops. The influx of new Solar Power will replace the need for fossil fuels. It gives adopters, (a.k.a. middle class Americans and community builders that are willing to work,) a leg up on energy bills, increases property values, and saves the planet for our grand children. It also offers at risk communities greater access to affordable electricity. People Power is good for Big Energy too. This program requires a companion investment in Big Energy, as the growing influx of new clean power sources require a new Smart Grid to integrate. It decreases the need for fossil fuel generating stations and meets long-term environmental goals. In exchange for the public infrastructure investment, Buy-Back rates for Solar Power must be set at consumer-friendly rates with the Big Energy companies that benefit from this public infrastructure investment. PEOPLE POWER #3 The Solar Neighbors Energy Coops, mentioned in the PEOPLE POWER #2, financed through PEOPLE POWER #1, are self-organizing groups of neighbors that bundle responsibilities for the goals of the local community. Solar Neighbors Energy Coops organize to finance, install and operate community Solar Energy Generating/Charging and Community Communications, Nutrition/Garden Centers funded with Micro-Loans from the USPS. Organizers in community neighborhoods access seed funding for solar power generating and charging stations, to be associated with community gardens on community property. The goal is to empower willing people with time, energy and care, to focus on real people and their real problems, giving them the tools they need to do good, sustainable, people oriented solutions. People get access to power, to inexpensive, good food and nutritional advice, even a small fleet of electric cars for short use. The result? COMMUNITY HAPPENS. When People have power, PEOPLE WIN and Fossil Fuel loses! If you want to restore power to the people, start with PEOPLE POWER! When Dark Money is 'Political' Speech, Political Bribery is Legalized!