Empower People: Local 4 Livable is a Future We the People can live with. Top Down isn't working for We the People! Here's how much it isn't working for you. Since the recession hit (resulting income shift, $X to financial sector, wage stagnation) To solve a mortgage crisis of their own making. (($x would have made all those mortgages upright!) Clearly what our government is doing isn't working for We the People, and is working great for big money. That leads to more GBT, bad justice, skewed politics and CC run amok. That's just stupid.
For a sustainable future we need to rebuild America, starting locally, by empowering people to meet their needs. Empowered People is a series of micro-financed projects that replace the need for fossil fuels while encouraging neighborhood level growth, health, community and commerce. A fraction of the money thrown at big banks and the 1%, invested through micro-financed loans to Middle Class Americans left behind by the recent "recovery" to help us rebuild our neighborhoods, save our planet from fossil fuels and help young moms feed their children is a great way to start! That will rebuild the Middle Class exponentially! Local 4 Livable Empowered People =Middle Class2
EMPOWERED PEOPLE Start with banking we can trust, greening America one house at a time and helping people live and eat and learn life skills. We have the need, we have the infrastructure already in place, we need only apply will, American Ingenuity and a small fraction of the seed money we have gifted to banks and the 1%. Empowered People begins with three founding principles:
The People's Bank: Honest Banking for everybody, with micro financing and credit/debit services. Services delivered by the US Postal Service.
Power to the People Solar to replace fossil fuels, one home, one neighborhood at a time. A US Post Offices administered Solar Energy Finance and Installation Program for 1. Home Owners, 2. Owner/Renter Partnerships and 3. self-forming Neighborhood Coops.
The People's Garden: Locally self-forming and administered, US Post Office micro-financed Neighborhood Garden & Community Centers that offer growing space, nutrition classes, neighborhood food banks and community meals and Meals On Wheels programs.