Justice is our most cherished Great American Heritage. The world trusts doing business in America because our legal system guarantees rights and due process. But even our justice system has been corrupted, by political opportunists working the Fix. It goes all the way to the Supreme Court and the Citizens United abuse of the English language to establish new rights for legal fictions that deny actual rights enumerated in the constitution to living, breathing humans. That's just stupid! We need to reboot the system and just boot the bought, then reestablish once cherished workers rights and respectability. The United States incarcerates 1.6 million citizens, a greater percentage than any nation in the world. 330,000 are drug offenders, a majority on nonviolent marijuana offenses. These Americans have been put in jail on the lie that marijuana is a Class 1 Narcotic, on par with LSD, Meth and Heroin, having no medical value. This one stupid lie ruins families, endangers children, costs societies for courts and prisons and yields more criminals than they take in. And it disproportionately affects people of color and the poor. Opium is a Class 2 narcotic, as are Codeine, Cocaine and Oxycodone. Marijuana is "more dangerous" yet nobody has ever died from marijuana. It is not addictive or carcinogenic, it has medical uses and is legal for such in 17 states. It is legal in two states. It has none of the social health and side effects cigarettes or alcohol. Yet, for years, millions of people have been jailed because of the 'Class 1' lie. Stop the stupid and fix the lie. Then make amends: undo the damage, end the overtly racist war on drugs. We the People deserve equitable access to food, water, housing, education and a just society offering each of us the opportunity to make something of ourselves. These are the things of life, liberty and happiness which we are empowered to pursue by our constitution We as a society are enriched when we work to fill these needs.We are inspired by these goals and bettered by their fulfillment. Justice is our greatest goal. We the People are poorly served when we outsource justice with private prisons who's wealthy owners work to pass laws to criminalize the poor to fill their private prisons. Game it out. It can not work and is guaranteed to corrupt! In several states the poor are increasingly imprisoned for not payment of public debts in what amounts to debtors prisons, also increasingly housed in privately owned prisons. That's all just stupid, and it has to stop now. When money is speech, bribery is legal.
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Do The MathIt’s simple math: we can emit 565 more gigatons of carbon dioxideand stay below 2°C of warming — anything more than that risks catastrophe for life on earth. The only problem? Burning the fossil fuel that corporations now have in their reserves would result in emitting 2,795 gigatons of carbon dioxide – five times the safe amount. Oil and Honey Oil and Honey is McKibben’s account of these two necessary and mutually reinforcing sides of the global climate fight—from the center of the maelstrom and from the growing hive of small-scale local answers. With empathy and passion he makes the case for a renewed commitment on both levels, telling the story of raising one year’s honey crop and building a social movement that’s still cresting. (read more)
Thousands of Stories of Hope Do you feel that? The tension in the United States in palpable.
The feeling derives from the ever-increasing awareness that a tiny group of wealthy individuals have a hammerlock on our political system that prevents new ways of approaching education, agriculture, health, energy, banking, trade, taxes or climate change. (read more) Two Scenarios for 2014 Scenario I.
November 5, 2014 - Congress remained divided as a result of yesterday's election. The Democrats lost three seats in the Senate, but managed to hang onto control by a margin of 52 to 48, counting the two independents who caucus with the Democrats. They picked up eight seats in the House, but not enough to dislodge Republican control. (read more) ----------------- Scenario II. November 5, 2014 - Democrats surprised veteran observers by gaining two seats in the senate, making their effective margin 57 to 43, and taking back the House. The new House of Representatives will have 236 Democrats and 199 Republicans. The Democrats managed to win about three out of every four districts that were closely in play. The outcome was almost unprecedented, since the president's party nearly always loses seats in the sixth year of his incumbency. But observers credited Obama's dramatic shift to his "give-'em-hell, Barry" tour of this past summer, where he dropped his usual red-state/blue state unity plea and came out swinging at Republicans obstructionists. Obama also jettisoned the theme of deficit-reduction that he began embracing in late 2009 in favor of a plea for good jobs and a demand that corporate elites start paying more taxes so that less privileged Americans can catch a break. "This recovery is just not good enough. It hasn't reached Main Street. I will keep fighting the Republicans and their Wall Street friends until regular people start benefiting," Obama declared. (read more) The People's Pledge |